My 5 Revision Tips to get you through Exams

If any of you are like me you are revising this Easter Holiday as in you have a few mere weeks left till something called exams are happening. Oh what joy!

Whether you are studying for your A levels or GCSEs here are some revision tips that could help:

  1. Turn off the Internet
    • for me the internet is a huge distraction as  could quite happily sit there and go on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube or many others (links are up on the right)
    • I could also spend hours on a certain streaming site called Netflix that has been the best thing that has happened to me and also the worst as  I have been known to press that ‘Next Episode’ button when I am supposed to be going to sleep. We’ve all done it. I know it’s not just me!
  2. Buy new Stationaryrevision blog post 2 2015
    • There is nothing that can get me motivated more than having new things to use. I always have to buy new notebooks and pens so that I have the perfect things to revise with. I suggest taking a parent or guardian with you as stationary can be quite expensive, so when I’m with my Mum I say ‘I will get an A* if I have all this new stationary that I really don’t need :)’ and usually she will buy it for me (that makes me sound so spoilt).
  3. Summarise it, don’t just copyrevision blog post 2015
    • For most people just reading it doesn’t work and for some people copying it doesn’t work either, however if you summarise it, it means that you have to read it, then process it, then write out a summarised version. Me personally  do this by making mind maps or spider diagrams covered in colour.
  4. Get someone to test you
    • If you get someone to test you it means that you will have to learn it as you won’t have your notes to go on. Ask someone to test you on what you have learnt that day. If you don’t want to ask someone to test you then use the internet, there are loads of useful websites that already has tests set up for people like you to do.
  5. Practise Exam Technique using Past Papers
    • The internet is a wonderful place and you can search for just about everything including past papers for your exam. It is really important that you at least look at one of these exams before you walk in so you know what kind of thing you are expecting to get on your desk in May.

There we go my 5 tips to help you through your upcoming exams. Good luck with the revision!


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