Happy Place Tag

I’ve had a little look around and I’ve never seen this, but I really wanted to start something like this off so I came up…

Body Shop Fuji Green Tea Bath Tea Review

I love having baths but sadly I am allergic to most Lush products so can’t use their products which makes me jealous! So I have…

Spain Photos

So I have been feeling a bit under the weather these last few days and my Mum and I have discovered it wasn’t due to…

A Lazy Day in the Life of Ciara

    So again it is very late in the evening and nearly the next day and I have not blogged again! It’s not even because…

Let's Talk about Dehydration

So yesterday started off pretty great. I had a bit of a headache, but nothing that a little pain killer couldn’t sort out. Well around…

What's in my Travel Makeup Bag? | Video

For this weeks video I decided I would show you what I have taken in my travel makeup bag when I was in Spain on…


So today is technically my last day in Spain, but by the time this blog has gone live I should (hopefully) be on a plane…