All I Know Now by Carrie Hope Fletcher Book Review


Carrie Hope Fletcher is one of my all time favourite YouTubers. She is so down to earth and is so awesome (plus she loves Disney). Carrie has some great advice on her channel and genuinely feels like a bit of a big sister, so when I found out back in 2015 that she had written an advice book, I was 100% down.

I honestly could not put it down. The advice in it was brilliant. When my Mum asked me what I thought about it, I said that it would’ve been perfect for me when I was 13-17, especially when I was going through some friendship troubles as Carrie also struggled with friends at school. She also talks about the internet and body issues, which honestly would have been perfect for me when I was a young teenager.


The book is split into ‘Acts’ and in each act there are chapters (or I like to think of them as scenes in the acts!). All the chapters were in the theme of the act that it was in. Each Act is a different theme of advice that for teens would be super useful and I honestly advise that every teenager should read.

Essentially repeating what I just said, the advice in this was incredible and every teenager needs to read this as I feel like it talks about problems in teen society, such as the Internet and bullying. All of which is stuff that needs to be sorted as all of these things are scary stuff to a teenager. For a teenager who is dealing with any of the issues in this book who are struggling to talk to people, it might comfort them that their favourite YouTuber (or any YouTuber, its nice to see that they don’t all have perfect lives!) has also dealt with issues that everyone goes through and it might not make them feel alone.


Overall, I honestly believe this is one of the best ‘YouTuber’ books that I have read or even possibly ever! It’s not like some of the others where it is just about their life (even though this is in a way), this book is also gives teens helpful hints and tips to try and deal with situations that life throws at us.

I wish I had had this book when I was a young teenager dealing with these kinds of issues.

Rating: 5/5

ciara signature



  1. pinkiebag
    25/09/2017 / 4:25 pm

    Hi, it sounds like a great book. I love the idea of an interval and acts as opposed to chapters.

    • Ciara
      25/09/2017 / 4:26 pm

      It was amazing! It was such a great concept of the acts. It made the book feel different to other advice books!

  2. rebekahgillian
    25/09/2017 / 4:28 pm

    This book sounds awesome! I remember her producing this book and thinking I’d get around to buying it eventually, but I never did. It definitely sounds like something that would be up my street, even if I might be a little too old for some of the information now. You’re never too old to experience bullies, right? I think you’ve persuaded me to see if I can track this down in a library, or add it to my Christmas list. I love this review!

    • Ciara
      25/09/2017 / 4:45 pm

      Oh my! You need to read it. When I read it I was like I remember that happening to me, and it felt like I bonded with her in a way?? x

  3. 25/09/2017 / 4:34 pm

    You made this book sound like everyone should read it, and I am honestly tempted now – my bank account won’t like this but anyway …. also your photos are really pretty

    • Ciara
      25/09/2017 / 4:45 pm

      You need to read this! It was such a good read! Thank you x

  4. 25/09/2017 / 4:37 pm

    Awwww this book sounds like something I could’ve used back then as well! I’ll bookmark it for when my baby is a teenager in 13 years. I’m already getting nervous about that!


    • Ciara
      25/09/2017 / 4:45 pm

      Definitely something for the teenagers! A really useful read! x

    • Ciara
      26/09/2017 / 10:50 am

      Thank you xx