It’s that time of year where we are all thinking about our new years resolutions. Last year I decided against resolutions as I either didn’t have one, or some of the standard ones weren’t being achieved, so I have decided to come up with a few goals that I would like to complete this year.

1. University
Possibly one of the biggest goals, that I technically have already achieved. This year, I would like to get into university. Now if you read my previous post, you will already know that I actually have two unconditional offers and one interview. But, I’m not counting this as goal completed until after the interview.
2. Make my bed everyday
Now, I know this is something that I should be doing, but I have got lazy. It’s normally because I get up later than I should so then run out of time and leave my bed in a mess. But 2019 is the year that I change this!
3. Keep my desk clear
Again, another thing that I should be keeping clear so I can work from there, but yet its not happening. It’s become a little bit of a dumping ground. Well, I am going to try and make slow progress into changing this.
4. See more Films
I have an Odeon Limitless card, which means that I can go and see films whenever, I like for no extra cost. However, I have been neglecting my card and choosing to do other things. Well no more. In 2019 there are so many films coming out that I just have to see (yes, I’m talking about all the Disney ones!) So I need to go the cinema more, but I also want to extend this goal and see films other than Disney. I need to broaden my film watching activities.
5. Blog
Its fair to say that I neglected the blog a little over 2018. For the first part I was great, but then it just got worse and it hasn’t got any better (I mean blogmas died a death right?). I mean I did reach my goal of 5k views for the blog (but I only just managed it). It is such a small number, but I’m quite impressed considering that I have less than 700 followers on each individual platform. I don’t really have a goal for how many more views I want. I honestly have no idea of a realistic number. Last year, I thought 5k was a stretch but I managed it.
All I will say is I would like my view count to grow, so in order to do that, I need to post on here more often. But, that content needs to be good content! So, I’m going to try and set a schedule. I want to write and upload a minimum of two posts a week on here (pushing to three if I can). I also want to write more about my life on here. I’m forever writing about products and blogging events (not that I’m complaint!), but some of my favourite posts to read and write are life updates, so I hope to do those a little bit more often. Not just when I haven’t posted in a while!
6. YouTube
I knew last year that I set that really unrealistic goal of 1k subscribers. I knew that I wansnt going to get it, but I really wanted to try. The thing is, is for 6 months I neglected the channel. I kind of gave up. Well, I’m not giving up. My YouTube channel is the thing that found my passion for creating content and I’m not giving that up. I am going to force myself to stick to a schedule and I will try and get to 1k. But, if I don’t get it this year, who cares?!
As long as I am creating content that I enjoy, thats all that matters. So, the plan is to make 2 pushing to three videos a week. One will be the weekly vlog on a Wednesday, one will be a Disney vlog on a Friday and the last remaining video will be a chatty one on a Sunday. I love making videos online and I lost my passion a little there when I started making the videos for But, now that I’m not making them, I plan on falling in love with my channel again.
7. Social Media
I always have a clause for social media in my new year goals. But it is always really vague. It’s because when it comes to social media, I have no idea what I’m doing. I don’t keep on top of trends and I don’t post daily, so I’m not really doing anything apart from being a user on the platform. However, I clearly did something right with Instagram last year as my following grew from 400 followers to almost 700. Now, I know in the grand scheme of this whole blogosphere, that’s not very much. But, for someone who does not take social media all that seriously, THAT’S HUGE. I hope this year to be able to continue not taking social media too seriously and growing organically and not trying to worry about how many likes a pic gets. Cause who cares?!
There we go. There are my goals for 2019. Some are a easy things that I can change, other things might prove a bit more challenging by breaking a bad habit. I hope that I can keep all of these going so when I review the year in a blog post at the end of the year I can say I achieved everything I wanted to.

Love this post Ciara, I always think it helps writing them down or telling people in order to stick to them! Also love the picture of you! X