It’s been a sweet while since I have written anything. So, after some time away, I thought it was about time I made a reappearance on my own blog! A lot has happened, and then at the same time, nothing much has happened. I guess everyone is the same in lockdown at the moment. But anyway, here is a little update about where I have been for the last 3 months.
Where have you been?
Well, lets be honest, I’ve been at home in lockdown, just like everybody else. So, I mean I haven’t really left the house since March, apart from to head to work (key worker life!).
In the time since I last posted I have finished my first year of uni. It was very weird. Obviously with the whole lockdown situation, the last term was at home. I’ve learnt how to use Zoom and Teams and even been socialising with friends on them! It’s definitely been weird and strange. However, I am getting used to it. I mean, I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed for everything being back to normal before then so I can see my friends and be able to start 2nd ear properly, but I am trying to not get my hopes up as I doubt that it will be all normal by the time October comes around.
I’ve also bought myself a Nintendo Switch and in the month and a half that I have had ir, ir has become my child! I spend far too much time on it, especially with Animal Crossing New Horizons. Other games I have been loving is Super Mario Oddesy and Luigi’s Mansion 3.
Another thing I have found myself doing to pass the time is diamond painting. I posted a video of me doing this on Instagram and I had an influx of dms asking what on earth I was doing. Well, this was it! Essentially, its like paint by numbers, however, instead of paint, you place little coloured diamonds on a sticky canvas and it creates a pretty cool picture. So far, I have completed three of these and am on my fourth one and have no plans of stopping soon. I hope this is something I can keep up when lockdown is over.
What’s happening now?
Well, obviously we are still in a semi-lockdown phase. Now, I say semi-lockdown cause I am trying my hardest to take it as a full lockdown, but with just a couple of different rules. I’m 100% still worried about this virus, so I am staying at home as much as I can. Obviously, most of my friends (including my boyfriend) are dotted about the country, so physically seeing them is not easy.
I have had this creative energy though about me recently. I have come up with a few ideas for different things and have wanted to start, which hopefully I can sort out soon.
When it comes to what is happening next… The thing is that I think it is safe to say that no one knows! I’m taking every week as it comes. I mean, I guess I’m going to be at home for a while, but I’m trying to see my boyfriend every now and again and then just keeping busy. Maybe, I may start posting on here regularly! Who knows, but the one thing that I can promise is that there are no promises in regards to the blog. But, I guess I do have to thank my boyfriend for the mojo to start this again as he has started his own blog and it made me realise how much I miss writing on my one! So, I guess you have him to thank for this new found motivation on here!
So, that’s the update!
I hope to write more for here, and I’m hopefully going to have some more cool stuff in the pipeline soon.