Yes, ok, I know I broke my silence on social media before this post, therefore the title does not need to be as dramatic, but I’m all about the drama!
Anyways, I’m back from my month long silence. However, I’m also back from my 3 month silence over on my YouTube channel. Over the past few months, I have been taking many a break from my social media lifestyle. The break was unintentional, I never planned to step away from it, it just kinda happened. I guess the only way I can put this, is that I lost interest in it.

Since leaving college, I have had a love hate relationship with YouTube. I definitely don’t watch it as much as I used too. I guess, not wanting to watch other peoples videos made me realise that maybe I don’t want to make them any more. Well, at the end of this little YouTube break, I have discovered that I do want to still make them, however the whole weekly vlog thing, currently is not going to happen. My life is currently not interesting enough! Maybe in a month or two I will start them back up again, but for now, I’m going to post the old ones that I have and leave it at that.
So what content am I going to be uploading on YouTube, now that the weekly vlogs are gone (for now)?
Well, I have a bajillion Disneyland Paris vlogs that need editing/uploading. Whilst editing Day 3 of my November trip, I realised that what a nice memory the vlogs are (even though I do find it slightly cringy to watch myself!). I also want to go back to making more sit down videos which is what I started doing on my channel all them years ago. In fact, I have had sooooo many ideas, I’m actually quite excited to start shooting!
I’m going to admit, that before my break, I was writing posts either cause I had to, or just for the sake of it. I wasn’t enjoying the whole writing process, I HATED IT. I loved going to all the events, however, I just hated doing the work afterwards. However, at the beginning of the week, I went to review New Jersey Nights, and I actually really enjoyed writing that post on the show. Theatre has always been a big passion for me, so going to that event, and being forced to write about the show, reminded me that I like writing things that I enjoy.
For so long, I have been writing about things that I really couldn’t give a wotsit about! For example, beauty products! Ya girl here has been doing the same makeup look of winged eyeliner and either a red or nude lipstick since I was 16. I think it’s fair to say that I’m not that into makeup/beauty. So, expect less beauty posts (not stopping them completely, as sometimes the odd beauty post is fun).
I think you should expect posts that are more about things I love and am passionate about. Expect more theatre reviews as I have a few shows coming up with BHlive Tickets.

Other Social Media
Like I have been saying for years, I’m going to not focus on the amount of likes/followers that I have. I COULDN’T CARE LESS!
This break has made me realise that followers are not important! The friends that you make on social media are. A couple of my followers (that I would now class internet friends) have messaged me asking if I’m ok because of the lack of posts across my entire social media. This made me realise that people care about me, and I am so grateful for that! So, if you were one of those people, then thank you!
Last time I did one of these updates, I talked about starting Weight Watchers
Well, I am still on WW. However, I haven’t stuck to it like I did at the beginning. I had a couple of weeks that I wanted off plan, which I did and I only gained a couple pounds in those couple of weeks. But, since finishing those planned weeks of off plan behaviour, I have found it next to impossible to stick to the plan.
My weight loss has suffered because of this. I have lost little bits here and there, but I have not made half the amount of progress I made in the first month. I got too comfortable with it and was like, I’ve lost over a stone in weight, that will do. Well, no it won’t! When I signed up, I said to myself that I was going to stick to it as I want to have more body confidence and feel that I look good, so here goes at trying it again! (Wish me luck!).
To be honest, I will be able to update more on this in just over a months time, as I WILL FINALLY BE STARTING AT AUB! I feel like I accepted my unconditional offer last year, even though it was a mere 6 months ago (feels like a lifetime). I am beyond excited to be starting there soon! In the middle of July, I got my welcome pack with things that I needed to get, and books to read if I want to get ahead. Well, I have now purchased all the books so I can get reading, and they should be here in the next week or so!
Well, life for me is pretty dull (apart from the fact that I a officially going to be a uni student in a months time!). Now that it is the summer holidays, I don’t have anything to give me any structure (apart from the two evenings a week at work, which by the way, I have been at Waitrose for a year now! WTF!). Normally, I have my volunteering with Guides and Brownies that helps remind me what day it is. Now that the children have broke up, I am struggling to remember what day it is.
I say that life is dull, however when I look at my calendar, I realise that I don’t have a single Monday free in the entire month of August and the only weekend that I have free is this one! I am booked up! There are some pretty exciting things that are coming up for this month. I am going on a couple of holidays and am going on a festival camp with the Guides (partly excited, partly dreading 3000 people on a field, but will deal with that later!). The last 6 months have dragged, but I have a feeling that August is going to fly by!
I think that is everything to update you on for now.
There is probably going to be another update post next month, as if I haven’t mentioned it enough, I am going to be starting university, and I am going to be so excited that I am going to want to share everything with everyone! Anyways, thank you for reading this ramble of a blog post!
Catch up soon!