Good Luck with Exams

It is that time of year again unfortunately! EXAM SEASON So I thought I would write a little good luck post to you all sitting…

PGL Throwback

Today I am off to PGL with a bunch of Brownies and Guides for a weekend full of fun. This is the first time I…

Happy St Patrick's Day!

Happy St Patrick’s Day! I hope you are having a great day! I like probably most of us are stuck at school/work, but however, this…

First Birthday

A year ago today I posted my first ever video on YouTube. It was a video all about how to make a cup of tea.…

Survival Tips for When You're Sick

For the last week I have been feeling pretty ill, and when I say ill I have been in bed for a week, not left…

My Pancake Day Recipie

On Tuesday it is pancake day! This is one of the best days of the year because you get to eat pancakes! I thought I…


Recently I  have been doing some photography and one thing that I have become obsessed with taking pictures of are clouds and this post is…