Christmas Tag

For today’s blogmas post, I thought I would do a Christmas Tag. I know that I did one of these on my YouTube channel a few years ago, but I found some different questions that I thought were interesting. So, where we go. Let’s dig into the Christmas Tag.

Disneyland Paris Christmas

Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?

Technically no. My Mum normally allows me to have one if its past midnight and we are still awake. So technically its Christmas Day, but at the same time, my head still counts it as Christmas Eve.

Have you ever made a snowman?

Kind of. There has never been much snow around for me to make a proper one. When it snowed in March this year, I was heading to LA, so I didn’t have time to go play in the snow. But, throwback to a fair few years ago, I made a mini snowman. I’m gutted I can’t find any pictures of my snowman! It was a pathetic attempt 😂.

Is your Christmas tree real or fake?

My two personal trees are fake. I don’t think I could cope with lugging a real tree up a flight of stairs! Our main Christmas tree is also now a fake one. A couple of years ago we used to have real ones from a local farm, but the problem is that they are so expensive and they shed EVERYWHERE. You are forever picking up blooming pine leaves! So last year, we forked out an arm and a leg for a fake tree from Balsam Hill. These trees are super expensive and such an investment. But if you look after them properly they can last years. They also look so real and feel so lovely. All we do is buy a Christmas tree scent spray and then it smells like a real one.

What is your favourite Christmas film?

I have a lot of Christmas films that I love. But for me, its probably The Polar Express. If I don’t watch it then its not Christmas in my eyes! I love it and I find it so magical. Don’t get me wrong, I love the other classic Christmas films like Elf, but The Polar Express tops it for me.

What is your favourite Christmas Song?

I totally can’t answer this! It changes like the weather! I do have a favourite Christmas album. Which is Michael Buble’s Christmas. It’s so good and there are so many of my favourites on there. Plus, I do like a bit of the Buble!

When do you start getting excited for Christmas?

I get excited internally, straight after my birthday (29th September). But externally and verbally excited after the 17th October (which is my Mum’s birthday). I’m not fussed about Halloween, so that is a holiday that doesn’t really bother me. I’m not a fan of all things spooky. But, Christmas is my favourite time of year. I normally put my decorations up in November. This year has been a little different though, as my main focus has been uni applications.

What do you prefer? Staying at home for Christmas or travelling at Christmas?

I’ve been fortunate enough to do both of these. When I was younger, I went to Australia for two Christmas’ as we have family out there. Then when I was in my young teens we went to South East Asia for Christmas, as my Mum and Step-Dad wanted to go on holiday. When I was younger it was amazing to go on holiday for Christmas. I still got to spend it with family, as my Mum and Grandma were there (this was before my Step-Dad was in the picture). Also, there was other family that I didn’t get to see often. The only thing that was disappointing id that I couldn’t put ip the Christmas decorations.

However, when I was older, my Grandma wasn’t able to travel with us. There was no other family in South East Asia so I wasn’t excited to see anyone and I still couldn’t put up my decorations. It was also incredibly different as not all Asians celebrate Christmas. So it didn’t feel as Christmassy. Don’t get me wrong. I had an amazing and incredible time whilst exploring Thailand and other countries, but I think I prefer spending Christmas at home with my Mum and Grandma (and everyone else!).

What’s the best part about Christmas for you?

Honestly, spending time with my Mum and Grandma. Those two mean so much to me. But, I do like all the fun stuff! Like the Christmas parties and events. Plus all the food! Who could forget all the insane food that is available.

Well, that’s the Christmas Tag. I love doing things like this where I can just talk about my thoughts. There are still loads of questions from the Christmas tag that I haven’t answered. Maybe I will do another Christmas tag in the future answering different questions.

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