3 Minute Makeup Challenge

I have wanted to film the 3 minute makeup challenge for SO long as I thought this would be a fun little thing for me…

Stationary Haul

As we are all pretty much back at school/college/uni we’ve all had to go get some new supplies to start everything with fresh new stuff!…

The Fixer Face Spray by W7 Review

I recently watched a video where someone made their whole face up using only W7 products. I had never heard of W7 before, but this…

Ride or Die Tag by Jaclyn Hill

Jaclyn Hill made a video a few weeks back that showed her most favourite makeup products. These would be products that you could have if…

Summer Favourites 2016

We are now unfortunately at the end of summer which means that Autumn is here! Therefore, I thought it would be about time that I…

A Change of Plan

This weeks video is a little different to what I would normally upload on a Sunday as it is part of my weekly vlog series…

Trying Spanish Candy

I’m so far behind with the trying different candy from around the world trend, however I still wanted to film this anyways! I recently went…