Motivational Monday | Results Edition

I haven’t done a Motivational Monday in ages! That’s probably because I haven’t been very motivated to do anything because it’s the summer holidays! However…

Busy but Blissful

I feel sort of bad because I have missed a few Fridays for blogs, but in another way I feel like I’m leading a very…

Dorset Heavy Horse Centre Day Out

Today has been a very busy, but an incredibly fun day that I could more than happily repeat if you asked me to. When I…

More Spain Photos

So my last Spain photos got quite a bit of love and I have found some more photos that I really like so I want…

Spain Photos

So I have been feeling a bit under the weather these last few days and my Mum and I have discovered it wasn’t due to…

What I want to do this Summer

Today is the day where I  have broken up for the summer holidays! FINALLY! This is one of the first summers in a few years…

Blogging Everyday in July

So because I have nearly finished school for this year I’m going to upload at least one blog everyday for this month! I’m so excited to…