
So today is technically my last day in Spain, but by the time this blog has gone live I should (hopefully) be on a plane…

I'm Sorry and Update

I am a bad blogger as I missed yesterday, but there is a very simple explanation for that and that is because of the fact…

What I want to do this Summer

Today is the day where I  have broken up for the summer holidays! FINALLY! This is one of the first summers in a few years…

Random Ramblings 

So today’s blog is a little bit late and I don’t really have an excuse for it and I haven’t really planned what I’m going…

Blogging Everyday in July

So because I have nearly finished school for this year I’m going to upload at least one blog everyday for this month! I’m so excited to…

The Versatile Blogger Award

Today has been a good day. I found out I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award. This is my first ever nomination for something…

April Favourites | Video

I’ve been watching lots of favourites video and I wanted to give it a go, so for this weeks video I did an April Favourites…