Good Luck

I feel like I have neglected the blog this week. That is due to the fact that tomorrow in the UK the retched exam season…

Happy May 1st

Hello everyone, Happy May 1st! For some people May marks the very short time before the summer holidays and for others May marks the fact…

The Pros and Cons of Babysitting

Tonight I’m babysitting a 7 year old and that’s great I love her to pieces and would happily babysit her, however there are some pros…

My Facebook Status in 2020

With teachers ramming it down my throat about the future and universities, its only natural that I’ve been thinking about the future and I was…

Life Post: Beach Walks and Cute Days

Yesterday was a really great day. It was one of the days I felt most calm about life and it was just so relaxing. I…

Life Post: Missing Lessons

I’m in school right now and we have a teacher in the common room who is the head of sixth form.  I take psychology and…

Volunteering: Contact the Elderly Tea Party

I like to Volunteer for things as it makes me feel like I have achieved something and it gives me one of those warm feelings…